Rules & Regulation

  • Application form for "NEDS' must be filled in block letters only.
  • All the information declared by the applicant should be correct and true.
  • Discipline must be maintain in the Training Centre, Institute, at all time.
  • Student Registration Fees (contact us)
  • Every student must keep his/her "I-Card" at the institution. (duplicate can apply)
  • Fees once paid is not refundable for any reasons under any circumstances.
  • Student must be punctual and regular both in theory and practical classes.
  • A student who is defaulter in payment of outstanding fees will not be allowed for classes, until the outstanding dues are cleared.
  • Regular students must maintain minimum 75% attendances for appearing in final examination.
  • Mobile phones are not allowed in the class room.
  • No extra fees is required for Examination.
  • Final Examination will be held within 7days from the date of finish.
  • If any student is unable to secure 45% marks he/she will be allowed for re-exam against a payment.
  • Final Results are provided on the basis of a student's performance.